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Nov 30, 2023
Landsat-NDVI, pine and pine-oak forest, accuracy assessment, deforestation, SEPAL.


The forest regions of the state of Jalisco are being impacted by increasingly frequent changes in land use, the southeast region has not been the exception, in recent years the increase in deforestation is more visible due to the increase in the number of avocado crops in forest areas, currently there are no studies that use precise methods to estimate deforestation in the area in recent years. Through the multitemporal analysis of Landsat-NDVI images with the BFAST algorithm, preliminary changes in forest cover were estimated in a period of 18 years starting in the year 2000 and through high-resolution images and the tools contained in Collect Earth were validated these changes, thus recording the coverage after the change, the year, and any other disturbance associated. With the resulting map, the accuracy was calculated by map classes and the deforested area was adjusted, finally the annual deforestation rate was calculated with the FAO equation, in order to make these results comparable with other areas with similar dynamics.  The results show a deforestation of 3,834 ha in a period of eighteen years, which represents a deforestation rate of 0.19% per year, being the largest of these changes towards agricultural land, mainly in the pine and pine-oak covers, in low deciduous forest was only expansion of already existing agricultural areas and frequent fires. The overall accuracy of the map was 82.5 %.

Brenda Carolina Zerecero Salazar
Miguel Ángel Muñoz Ruíz
Author Biographies

PhD., Universidad de Guadalajara

Doctorado en edafología (COLPOS, Campus Montecillo, Estado de México, México), Maestría en Ciencias en agroforestería y desarrollo sostenible (Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. Texcoco, México), 


PhD., Universidad de Guadalajara

Doctorado en Ciencias Forestales por la Universidad Georg-August-Universität Göttingen: Gottingen, Niedersachsen, Coordinador de la carrera de Producción Forestal en la Universidad de GUadalajara.

PhD., Universidad de Guadalajara

Doctorado Forestal en el Instituto Forestal de la Universidad de Oxford, en el Reino Unido.

Maestro en Ciencias en Silvicultura y Ecología Forestal en la Universidad Agrícola de Wageningen, en Holanda

Profesor Investigador del Centro Universitario de la Costa Sur (CUCSUR) 

PhD., Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Montecillo

Doctor en agricultura por la Universidad de Kioto Japón, Maestro en Ciencias Forestales por el Colegio de Postgraduados, Montecillo, Estado de México, México.

Profesor investigador en el postgrado Forestal en el Colegio de Postgraduados, Montecillo, Estado de México, México

How to Cite
Zerecero Salazar, B. C., Salcedo Pérez, E. ., Gallegos Rodríguez, A., Olvera Vargas, M. ., Ángeles Pérez, G. ., & Muñoz Ruíz, M. Ángel. (2023). Assessing deforestation in a southeast region of Jalisco, Mexico with the BFAST algorithm and Collect Earth. Revista Bosque, 44(3), 605–615.


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